The Dynamic Network

14/08/2013 19:48

Introduction to the Components of Immune System

History is gone; they taught us the definitions, the experiments that lead to the discovery of this wide network of cells and organs that contribute to immunity. But what comprises these networks individually?? Let’s see…   Well consider this diagram, [1] Image source: Snapshot from ‘Overview...


14/08/2013 19:55

Formation of the Cells of the Immune System (Hematopoiesis)

The Cells of the Immune System The response to pathogens is orchestrated by the complex interactions and activities of the large number of diverse cell types involved in the immune response. The innate immune response is the first line of defense and occurs soon after pathogen exposure. It is...



Now you are familar with the network, lets go into detail about each. Click on 'The Cells of The immune system' in our drop-down content list

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