Review 1: Regulatory T cells and mechanisms of immune system control
21/12/2013 18:13Following is the review based on research article "Regulatory T cells and mechanisms of immune system control" (search result from google scholars search engine)
Link to the original site: https://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v10/n8/abs/nm0804-801.html
This article centrally describes about the mechanism to control and regulate the immune system which has been described to evolve with time and good description of the mechanism of evolution. It well explains the way in which our body makes it self tolerant to self antigens by deletion of auto reactive cells during T- and B-cell development and other processes. Also other mechanism to avoid damage to host like active suppression mediated by regulatory T cell populations. The latter being described in more depth in full article.
Anne O'Garra1 & Paulo Vieira2. (2004) .Regulatory T cells and mechanisms of immune system control, Nature Medicine. Volume 10, Page 801 - 805.